What’s in my personal to-go care bag that I actually use?

I personally carry around a small pouch with a few items in case of discomfort, stress, or illness. 

The idea behind this to-go bag:

When I am at school or going to be gone for the day, it is nice to have a few items on hand in addition to the things I always carry around (like chapstick, lotion, tweezers, etc.). Not only is this bag useful when I feel physically uncomfortable, but it also helps on days that are more stressful and/or emotionally demanding.

Most people can’t predict in the morning before they leave if they will have a headache, feel drowsy, get some allergy symptoms, or begin menses  (obviously, this one is only for the ladies).

So, it is always nice to have a few of these things to ease unexpected discomfort.

The items:


  • Essential oil: I carry an essential oil dropper and/or an essential oil roller to ease an unexpected headache or I am feeling above average amounts of stress.
    • I am currently using the Lutska “Dawn” essential oil roller and Calm A Mama “Balance Drops”.
    • Bonus use: if you feel like you are smelling less than pleasant on a hot day or just want to smell nice, these are super useful for short periods of time.
  • Cotton swabs: for when you get makeup in your eye or some other delicate matter arises.
  • Lady Stickers (menstrual products): for when nature pays a visit or spotting occurs.
  • Pills: I always carry at least one allergy pill, B12 for when I am tired, Vitamin C for if I feel like I might be getting sick, and a pain killer like Tylenol or Excedrin.
  • Bandaids: I don’t have any right now, but it is always good to have a few for yourself and others!
  • Tweezers and Nail Clippers: I always have these on me, but if you don’t usually have them, consider putting them in your care pouch.
  • Tissues: Another thing I usually have in my bag already, but I thought I’d mention it if you have room in your pouch.

Those are the items I keep in my personal care bag for on the go discomfort. Do you have anything in your bag that I missed?


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I wish all readers an enchanting week and don’t forget to live your best life! Thanks for visiting!

dandelion nature sunlight
Photo by Nita on Pexels.com

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